Cyber Security Webinars

An organisation’s survival is increasingly dependent on its ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from cyber attacks.

Cyber security helps organisations protect themselves from cyber risks, defend against and limit the severity of attacks, and ensure that business operations continue to function effectively.

Upcoming Cyber Security webinars

Flash briefing: CrowdStrike – What went wrong and how to avoid being Strike 2

Date: Thursday, 1 August 2024
Time: 5:00 – 5:15 pm (CET)

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance

Transform disruption into resilience: Lessons from the CrowdStrike outage

The recent CrowdStrike incident has demonstrated that no organisation, regardless of size or industry, is immune to unexpected IT disruptions.

Such incidents not only halt services, but also reveal critical weaknesses in business continuity and operational resilience strategies. 8.5 million devices were directly impacted by the CrowdStrike crash, and countless others remain at risk from various potential disruptors.

Even more alarming is the wave of cyber attacks exploiting this situation, with criminal hackers distributing fake recovery resources to spread malware. This underscores the urgent need for organisations to be vigilant and prepared for such deceptive tactics.

Join our flash briefing to gain essential insights and tools to protect your organisation from similar disruptions and stay ahead of your competitors.

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On-demand Cyber Security Webinars

Webinar: DORA Compliance for ICT Providers – What You Need to Do

Delivered by: Andrew Pattison, Head of GRC Consultancy Europe

The Digital Operational Resilience Act, or DORA, introduces a broad set of rules aimed at enhancing the digital resilience of the financial sector within the European Union. For ICT (information and communications technology) providers servicing this critical sector, understanding and aligning with DORA’s stringent requirements is not just about compliance – it’s about ensuring the security and resilience of the digital infrastructure that underpins the financial ecosystem.

Delivered by Andrew Pattison, a seasoned expert in cyber security and regulatory compliance, this webinar is tailored to guide ICT providers through the pivotal steps necessary to achieve alignment with DORA regulations. By leveraging the ISO 27001 standard as a framework, we will explore how to establish and maintain processes that not only meet but exceed DORA’s expectations for operational resilience.

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How to meet SEC rules with ISO 27001

Hosted by:

  • Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance

Join our live webinar on how ISO 27001 can help you meet SEC cybersecurity disclosure rules

In today’s dynamic business environment, cybersecurity compliance is paramount, and the U.S. SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) has taken proactive steps to ensure the protection of sensitive information and the resilience of financial markets.

IT Governance USA's cybersecurity expert Alan Calder, will provide guidance on how ISO 27001 can help you comply withthe intricate SEC cybersecurity disclosure rules. You will get a comprehensive understanding of the specific requirements outlined by the SEC and the rationale behind these regulations.

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Demonstrating compliance with DORA

Hosted by:

  • Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance

Learn about the benefits of demonstrating compliance with the EU DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) in our live webinar.

In a world where regulatory landscapes are constantly evolving, the EU DORA stands as a pivotal framework that shapes the future of compliance in the financial sector. Compliance is not just a requirement; it’s an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to operational resilience, security and the highest industry standards.

download for an insightful webinar as we explore the critical aspects of DORA compliance.

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How do you comply with the SEC Cyber security rules?

Hosted by:

  • Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance

In today’s rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape, cyber security has become a cornerstone of business resilience.

Cyber security expert William Gamble, from IT Governance USA, will delve into the specifics to explain the rationale behind these regulations and how they impact your organization.

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An Introduction to the SEC Cyber Security Disclosure Rules

Hosted by:

  • William Gamble, Cyber Security Consultant, IT Governance USA

In today’s threat landscape, the protection of sensitive data and the transparency of cyber security practices are paramount. To address these vital concerns, the US SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) has introduced a set of robust cyber security disclosure rules.

These rules are designed to ensure that publicly listed organisations not only safeguard their digital assets but also communicate their cyber security risk management efforts transparently.

Cyber security expert William Gamble, from IT Governance USA, will demystify the complexities of these SEC rules, explaining why they exist and how they impact your organisation.

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Strengthening Operational Resilience Under DORA

Hosted by:

  • Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance

Discover the benefits of strengthening operational resilience under DORA in our webinar.

In today’s dynamic financial landscape, the ability to maintain operational resilience is a pivotal factor for success. As markets, technologies and threats continue to evolve, financial institutions must navigate an intricate web of challenges to ensure their continued stability and security. This is where the EU’s DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) steps in, guiding financial organisations towards a secure and resilient future.

DORA is far more than just another regulatory framework; it’s a strategic imperative that defines the future of operational resilience in the financial sector. Its comprehensive approach addresses the multifaceted challenges that organisations face daily, offering a roadmap to ensure their survival and success in an ever-changing landscape.

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Building Your Career as a Cyber Security Manager

Hosted by:

  • Jeremy Green, Cyber Security Specialist and Instructor, IT Governance
  • Andrew Johnston, Head of Training, IT Governance

Are you eager to embark on a journey into the dynamic world of cyber security? Our expert will guide you through this exciting field.

If you’ve ever considered a career in this exciting field, our webinar is your gateway to understanding what it takes to get started.

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Building Your Career as a Cyber Engineer and Ethical Hacker

Hosted by:

  • Jeremy Green, Cyber Security Specialist and Instructor, IT Governance
  • Andrew Johnston, Head of Training, IT Governance

Are you ready to take the first step towards a career in the dynamic world of cyber security? Learn from a cyber security expert and get invaluable guidance.

If you’ve ever contemplated a career in this exciting field, our webinar is your gateway to understanding what it takes and how to get started.

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DORA compliance and what it means for the financial sector

Hosted by:

  • Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance

In today’s ever-evolving financial landscape, compliance isn’t just about following regulations; it’s about shaping the future of your organisation. The EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act, or DORA, is a game changer that’s redefining the way financial entities operate. It’s not merely a set of rules, but a roadmap for achieving digital operational resilience and maintaining a competitive edge.

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Penetration Testing for Supply Chains and the Role of the MSP


  • James Pickard, Head of Security Testing at IT Governance
  • Leon Teale, Senior Penetration Tester at IT Governance

Hosted by :

  • Sophie Sayer, Sales Director and Head of Channel at IT Governance
  • Jason Douglas, Global Head of Channel Sales at IT Governance

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, prioritising supply chain security is essential to shield your organisation from potential threats and vulnerabilities. Going beyond a tick-box evaluation of suppliers, it is crucial to thoroughly assess their cyber security practices and dedication to upholding security standards.

By incorporating penetration testing and collaborating with MSPs (managed service providers), you can elevate the resilience of your supply chain’s security measures beyond the ordinary. Penetration testing provides a systematic approach to identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the supply chain, while MSPs contribute their expertise in continual monitoring and robust security protocols to enhance your overall supply chain protection.

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Cyber Incident Response Tabletop Exercises

Hosted by:

  • Cliff Martin, Head of Cyber Incident Response, GRCI Law
  • Vanessa Horton, Cyber Incident Responder, GRCI Law

Tabletop exercises are vital for implementing a robust CIR (cyber incident response) plan within your organisation. These simulations train your team to respond to real cyber incidents swiftly and effectively by identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your defences.

They foster collaboration among departments, ensuring everyone is prepared and aligned in their roles. By refining response strategies and addressing gaps, tabletop exercises boost your organisation’s resilience against cyber attacks.

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Maximising your Cyber Incident Response Capabilities – Strategies for Success

Hosted by:

  • Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance
  • Cliff Martin, Head of Incident Response, GRCI Law

Incident response is a critical component of an organisation’s cyber security strategy. With the increasing frequency and complexity of cyber threats, it’s more important than ever to have a robust and effective incident response plan in place. However, building an incident response programme that delivers results is not a simple task. It requires a deep understanding of the latest threats and trends, effective planning, and the ability to execute quickly and efficiently.

In this webinar, we explore the strategies and best practices for building an effective incident response programme. Our cyber incident response experts provide insights into the key components of an effective incident response system, tips for maximising your incident response capabilities and practical advice for overcoming common challenges.

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Panel discussion: How to navigate penetration testing – Insights from security testers

Hosted by:

  • Adam Seamons, Information Security Manager, GRC International Group


  • James Pickard, Head of Security Testing, IT Governance
  • Joshua Holding, Senior Pentration Tester, IT Governance
  • Ross Higgins, Penetration Tester, IT Governance

In the face of ever-increasing threats to our security, conducting regular penetration testing has become essential to ensure systems and data are secure. With so many critical systems and assets to consider, and the increasing number of threats, it can be difficult to know where to start.

To help you address this challenge, IT Governance’s panel of industry experts will provide valuable insight and guidance. They will share their experiences and knowledge, providing actionable recommendations to help you improve your organisation’s security posture.

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Cyber Security webinars on demand

Navigating the 2023 Cyber Threat Landscape – A Briefing for Business Leaders

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance and CEO of GRC International Group

As cyber threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, it's crucial for business leaders to stay ahead of the curve and protect their organisations.

This 20-minute webinar will provide a high-level overview of the most important considerations for business leaders, CEOs and senior management when it comes to their organisation’s privacy and cyber security.

Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman of IT Governance, will take you through the key cyber security and privacy that boards and senior leaders should be aware of.

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Stage 5 – Recovery: The final layer of your cyber defence-in-depth strategy

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance and GRC International Group

Recovering from a cyber attack or data breach can be more disruptive than an organisation has planned for.

Most of the time, an organisation can restore enough critical services to be able to continue functioning, but it can take months to fully return to business as usual. Having cyber insurance in place can give organisations peace of mind, providing cover when they need it most and helping them get back to business as usual as soon as possible.

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Stage 4 – Response: The fourth layer of your cyber-defence-in-depth strategy

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman of IT Governance and CEO of GRC International Group

Implementing a cyber security incident response management plan means you won’t waste valuable time when the worst happens.

Cyber incident response is a part of wider business continuity management. It helps you put plans in place to cover all types of unplanned disruption, from cyber security incidents to natural disasters, from power outages to pandemics.

This is especially important when it comes to breaches of personal data, which may need to be reported to the data protection authorities within 72 hours of being discovered under the DPA (Data Protection Act) 2018 and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

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Stage 3 – Management: The third layer of your cyber-defence-in-depth strategy

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman of IT Governance and CEO of GRC International Group

When it comes to larger or more complex organisations, managing cyber security risks requires a more intensive approach than implementing basic security protection.

Embedding risk-based security controls, managing the security of supply chains and carrying out regular audits are some of the many measures an organisation may need to take to manage and reduce risk.

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Stage 2 – Protection: The second layer of your cyber defence-in-depth strategy

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance and GRC International Group

Protecting an organisation from the increasing threat of cyber attacks can be challenging. Employees are a crucial line of defence, and ensuring they know their security responsibilities and how to spot a cyber attack is critical.

Depending on the organisation, it may not need to implement extensive security measures, but at least a base level of security is essential. Certification to security schemes can protect an organisation from the most common cyber threats and publicly demonstrate its commitment to cyber security.

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Stage 1 – Detection: The first layer of your cyber defence-in-depth strategy

Delivered by: Alan Calder, founder and executive chairman, IT Governance & GRC International Group

Understanding the threats you face and where your cyber defences are most at risk of being breached is critical to securing your organisation against cyber attacks.

By implementing detection measures your can identify security flaws, enabling you to bolster defences where needed.

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Flash briefing: The growing importance of implementing a cyber-defence-in-depth strategy

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance 

With new vulnerabilities being identified constantly, understanding your organisation’s security weaknesses is paramount. The current political climate also means that organisations have been urged to bolster their cyber security defences and tactics as the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues.

Get peace of mind that your organisation is safe and secure with a cyber-defence-in-depth strategy. This should involve regularly testing your firewalls and external-facing services and training your staff to identify and respond to phishing attacks.

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Webinar: 20 years in cyber security

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance and GRC International Group

IT Governance is celebrating 20 years in business. 20 years in which organisations’ approaches to cyber security have continually evolved – and with ever-evolving risks lurking in cyberspace, it is imperative that businesses and individuals are vigilant and aware of the threats.

In this digital era, data has become a treasure trove for cyber criminals. Even obscure information has a distinct value, which criminals can steal, damage or misuse.

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Webinar: New cyber incident reporting obligations that you need to be aware of in the EU and US

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance and GRC International Group

On 1 March, the US Senate passed the Strengthening American Cyber security Act of 2022, which requires organisations to report any personal data breaches within 72 hours of the incident taking place. This aligns with the requirements of the GDPR.

In addition, the proposed EU corporate accountability rules require directors to take on new data protection responsibilities.

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Flash briefing: Cyber warfare and the threat of escalating cyber aggression

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance and GRC International Group

As Russia continues to focus on the battle for Ukraine by disrupting and destroying Ukrainian computers and networks, NATO states are taking the threat of Russian cyber aggression very seriously and have issued a number of warnings for organisations to tighten their security.

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Flash briefing: The cyber security implications of Russia invading Ukraine

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance and GRC International Group

The recent tensions between Russia and Ukraine have led to reports warning organisations to improve their cyber security defences, as fears grow that cyber attacks linked to the conflict could move beyond Ukraine’s borders.

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Flash briefing: How to avoid data breaches caused by human error

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Executive Chairman of IT Governance

According to Verizon’s 2021 Data Breaches Investigations Report, 85% of data breaches involved a human element. It’s clear that many organisations are struggling to handle the threat that their own staff present.

With staff moving to remote or hybrid working during the pandemic, the challenge of containing human error is greater than ever. Data breaches can be caused by something as simple as accidentally emailing an internal document to a client.

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Panel discussion: Last year’s privacy and cyber security lessons and how to prepare for an unpredictable 2022


  • Alan Calder, Founder and CEO of IT Governance
  • John Potts, Operations Director, GRCI Law
  • Cliff Martin, Incident Responder, GRCI Law

The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the large-scale shift to remote working and emerging cyber security threats created some of the most demanding operating conditions for organisations ever seen.

With 2021 behind us, it is important to reflect on how cyber security and privacy incidents affected organisations worldwide and the lessons they can learn to operate safely in an unpredictable 2022.

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Flash Briefing: ’Tis the Season for Cyber Security – How to keep your organisation safe this Christmas

Delivered by:

  • James Pickard, Security Testing Manager
  • Cliff Martin, Cyber Incident Responder

Christmas is an auspicious time for cyber criminals to find new ways to exploit those shopping online or those simply opening a Christmas e-card.

With cyber crime on the rise and the COVID-19 pandemic discouraging many of us from visiting crowded shopping centres, organisations must train their staff to identify and prevent threats and implement appropriate cyber security measures to keep safe over the holidays.

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FLASH BRIEFING: 20 minutes on how to prevent phishing attacks

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman of IT Governance

According to Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report, 43% of data breaches in the past year occurred due to phishing attacks and/or pretexting.

IBM’s 2021 research into the cost of a data breach ranks phishing attacks as the second most expensive cause of data breaches, costing businesses an average of $4.65 million.

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FLASH BRIEFING: How to Navigate and Implement a Successful Hybrid Workforce

Delivered by: Alan Calder, Founder and Executive Chairman, IT Governance

A hybrid working model gives staff the choice to work in an office, at home or in shared working spaces.

With 90% of organisations intending to shift to hybrid working where possible after the COVID-19 pandemic, remote workers will be even more susceptible to cyber threats, in some cases creating huge cyber security and privacy compliance challenges.

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FLASH BRIEFING: Navigate to Cyber Safety – Security Testing 

Delivered by: James Pickard, Security Testing Manager, IT Governance

Cyber crime has thrived during the pandemic, with the move to remote working offering new opportunities for attackers to exploit human vulnerabilities and digital systems. Last year, 85% of breaches involved a human element, and attacks on web applications represented 39% of all breaches.

It is therefore more important than ever for organisations to understand how secure their network is against external threats and cyber attacks.

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FLASH BRIEFING: Navigate to Cyber Safety – Cyber Incident Response

Delivered by: Cliff Martin, Cyber Incident Responder

Download this 20-minute flash briefing, during which our cyber expert, Cliff Martin will dissect two of the major cyber attacks that have hit the headlines this month. Cliff offers a high-level overview and practical advice on how these attacks could have been mitigated – and what your organisation needs to do to avoid suffering the same fate.

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FLASH BRIEFING: Navigate to Cyber Safety – Ransomware

Download this 20-minute flash briefing, during which our team of cyber experts dissect two of the major ransomware attacks that have hit the headlines this month. They offer a high-level overview and practical advice on how these attacks could have been mitigated – and what your organisation needs to do to avoid suffering the same fate.

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Panel discussion: COVID-19 – Risks and opportunities post-lockdown

With restrictions to contain the COVID-19 pandemic easing and the world coming out of lockdown, many organisations are now preparing for a phased return to work.

As the lockdown comes to an end, organisations will inevitably face increased pressure to take the necessary measures to handle privacy and cyber risks – and to avoid fines for non-compliance – as they re-establish operations.

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Panel discussion: Covid-19 Cyber Risk and Data Privacy Response

The sudden global shift to remote working has brought unprecedented changes to social and work habits, and introduced new cyber risks and data privacy challenges that affect the way organizations need to operate.

As most employees are working from home, they may be accessing and processing information outside the organization’s normal security perimeter, which increases the risk of a data breach. With cyber criminals employing sophisticated phishing tactics and malicious websites to target staff by impersonating credible information sources around COVID-19, organizations need to implement security measures to address these challenges.

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Adapting to COVID-19 – Cyber security considerations

In these unprecedented circumstances, cyber criminals are coming up with new ways to carry out attacks and exploit fears around the uncertainties of COVID-19.

Creating an effective cyber risk strategy to mitigate the risk of cyber crime is the only way to ensure your organisation's survival.

Join William Gamble in this live webinar to learn about:

  • Types and examples of phishing attacks in the current COVID-19 climate;
  • Cyber security tips for staff working at home; 
  • Implementing a staff security awareness programme; and 
  • Key measures to reduce risks and prevent cyber attacks. 

The cyber security issue and how to overcome it

In this webinar, Steve Watkins will discuss cyber security and the threats organisations face. Attendees will learn how regular penetration tests, ISO 27001 and staff training can improve their overall security.

The webinar will also cover:

  • The state and effect of cyber threats;
  • The damage a breach can cause in the real world; and
  • Top tips to improve your organisation’s security.

Conducting a cyber security risk assessment

The assessment and management of information security risks is at the core of ISO 27001, and ensures that the ISMS continually adapts to changes in the organisation and the risk environment.

In this webinar, Alice Baker will discuss:

  • The five-step approach to conducting a risk assessment;
  • Information security vs. cyber security;
  • Choosing appropriate risk treatment options;
  • The key controls necessary for effective cyber security;
  • Reviewing, monitoring and reporting on the risk assessment; and
  • ISO 27001 and effective information security risk management.

The cyber security benefits of a successful ISO 27001 implementation

Implementing ISO 27001 can improve an organisation’s security stance as well as provide guidance on how to successfully implement the Standard.

In this webinar, Sharon O’Reilly will discuss;

  • How ISO 27001 can help an organisation maintain compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
  • The importance of people, processes and technology in information security;
  • Testing your ISMS and developing documentation;
  • Securing organisation-wide commitment; and
  • How to adopt a comprehensive, risk-based approach to cyber security.

GDPR compliance and information security: reducing data breach risks

In this webinar, Alice Turley will discuss the importance of implementing the right procedures to detect, report and investigate a data breach in compliance with the GDPR.

The webinar will cover:

  • An overview of the GDPR and how an ISO 27001-aligned ISMS can support compliance;
  • The top risks that result in data breaches;
  • Key actions in the event of a data breach;
  • The technical and organisational requirements to achieve GDPR compliance;
  • Securing organisation-wide commitment; and
  • How to adopt a comprehensive, risk-based approach to cyber security.
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