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The Quantum Age of IT (Softcover)

The Quantum Age of IT

SKU: 3941
Authors: Charles Araujo
Publishers: IT Governance Publishing
Format: PDF
ISBN13: 9781849283748
Pages: 324
Published: 29 Nov 2012
Availability: Always Available
  • Reveals why the IT industry is changing beyond recognition
  • Explains the skills that every IT professional will need to thrive
  • Presents a radical view of the future landscape of IT that organisations must embrace to survive

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IT as we know it is dead.

The very fabric of the IT organisation is changing. Driven by our own history, changing perceptions of how technology should work and newfound, but very real, competition, IT organisations are struggling to evolve – but into what?

In The Quantum Age of IT, Charles Araujo gives a broad perspective on the fundamental changes affecting the industry, and gives practical guidance that every IT professional needs to compete in this new era of IT.

Keep your career ahead of the curve

Whether you are an IT executive, or just beginning your career, this book gives the key insights you need to understand what is happening now, what is coming and how you can remain effective and relevant as you come to terms with the fundamental changes ahead. Visualising that future, Araujo blends a wide range of research and case studies to reveal the five key skills you must develop to succeed and thrive in the quantum age of IT.


  1. The History of Our Death (Why the Modern IT Structure Has Failed Us);
  2. Consumerization, Clouds and a Change in Perspective;
  3. Walmart or Nordstrom? (Why You Must Choose Which You Will Be);
  4. Mastering the Supply Chain and the Value Network;
  5. New Organizational Traits for a New Age;
  6. A Ticket to the Dance: Creating a Learning and Disciplined Organization;
  7. Key Principles of the Learning and Disciplined Organization;
  8. Tearing down the Wall: Creating a Transparent and Intimate Organization;
  9. The IT Organization Your Customer Always Wanted: Creating the Dynamic Organization;
  10. The People Problem: Why Your Technical Skills Will Work Against You;
  11. Five Skills Every IT Professional Needs Now;
  12. Your Road Ahead.
About the author

Charles Araujo

Charles Araujo is the founder and CEO of The IT Transformation Institute. He is a recognized leader and expert in the areas of IT transformation and IT organisational change. He serves on the boards of itSMF USA and The Executive Next Practices Institute. He has been quoted or published in magazines, blogs and websites including ZDNet, IT Business Edge, ITSM Portal, TechRepublic, itSMF USA’s Forum, HDI SupportWorld and USA Today. He speaks frequently on a wide range of subjects related to his vision of the future of IT.

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