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IT Governance - A Pocket Guide

IT Governance - A Pocket Guide

SKU: 890
Authors: Alan Calder
Publishers: IT Governance Publishing
Format: PDF
ISBN13: 9781905356300
Pages: 52
Availability: Always Available

If you are unsure what IT governance is, or how it is relevant to your business, this pocket guide is for you. This guide provides the reader with a basic understanding of how an organisation’s IT supports and enables the achievement of its strategies and objectives.

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Price: 12,95 €

An Introduction to IT Governance

If you are unsure what IT governance is, or how it is relevant to your business, this pocket guide is for you. It outlines the key drivers for IT governance in the modern global economy, with particular reference to corporate governance requirements and the need for companies to protect their information assets.

IT Governance for "Non-geeks"

The guide examines the role of IT governance in the management of strategic and operational risk. It also looks at the most important considerations when setting up an IT governance framework, and introduces you to the Calder-Moir IT Governance Framework that the author helped to create. The approach throughout is resolutely non‑geek, avoiding technical jargon and with the emphasis on business opportunities and needs.

Find out about something that matters for your organisation’s survival

If you want your business to succeed, you have to make effective use of information technology. Otherwise you will be outpaced by your competitors. This pocket guide is about how to create a framework to ensure that your organisation’s IT will support its overall objectives.


Understand a crucial aspect of corporate governance

Companies are regulated in order to protect the interests of shareholders from fraudulent or reckless activity on the part of the directors. For US‑listed companies, compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002 is mandatory. The requirements of SOX and the UK’s Combined Code can only be met if you have an effective IT governance framework already in place.

Understand a crucial aspect of risk management

Those running a company have a responsibility to manage risk. An IT governance framework will help you to stop hackers, fight cybercrime and minimise the disruption to your operations in the event of an accident.

Cut costs and boost profits

While businesses often need to spend money on upgrades to their computer systems and software, this issue has many pitfalls. This pocket guide shows how IT governance can help you to make better investment decisions. An IT governance framework also enhances your overall competitiveness and thus increases profitability.

About the author

Alan Calder

Alan Calder is the founder director of IT Governance Ltd. His long executive career has spanned both the private and public sectors. He writes, speaks and consults widely on IT governance, compliance and information security.

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