Refresh Boyne Talk – GDPR, Data transfers and Brexit


Date: 15 May 2019
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm IST
Location: The Mill Enterprise Hub, Drogheda, Co. Louth

As part of the Refresh Boyne series of events, IT Governance Europe consultant Alice Turley will give a talk that considers the impact of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) one year on and how you can adequately protect your data transfers post-Brexit.

The presentation will cover:

  • A brief overview of the GDPR;
  • What has happened in the past year;
  • Brexit and data protection implications; and
  • Data transfers post-Brexit.

Alice is a qualified data protection, compliance and insurance professional, consultant and trainer. She is highly experienced in data protection, consumer protection and compliance, providing expert and solution-based advice to businesses within the insurance, advertising and education industries.

If you are interested in attending this free talk, please register below:

Register here

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