Free PDF download: Assured Security – Getting cyber secure with penetration testing

In order to achieve real cyber security, business leaders have to implement the right solutions to protect their assets from cyber threats.

Cyber criminals are indiscriminate. Where there is a weakness, they will try to exploit it, so all organisations need to understand the cyber threats they face and establish safeguards against them.

Download this green paper to find out how to keep your organisation secure and safe from a cyber attack with effective penetration testing.


  • Why even the smallest business is a potential target;
  • What penetration testing is, and how it works;
  • The types of vulnerabilities that can exist for months without being detected;
  • Why penetration tests are the best solution to uncovering vulnerabilities before criminals do; and
  • The different types of penetration test.

Strengthen your defences against a cyber attack. Download this paper now to understand the importance of an effective testing regime.

Assured Security – Getting cyber secure with penetration testing
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