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Insider Threat - A Guide to Understanding, Detecting, and Defending Against the Enemy from Within

Insider Threat - A Guide to Understanding, Detecting, and Defending Against the Enemy from Within

SKU: 4780
Authors: Julie E. Mehan
Publishers: ITGP
Format: PDF
ISBN13: 9781849288408
Pages: 304
Published: 20 Sep 2016
Availability: Available

Learn how to build a defence programme against insider threats with this indispensable guide, and discover:

  • Common characteristics of insider threat victims;
  • Typical stages of a malicious attack;
  • Steps you can take to implement a successful insider threat programme; and
  • How to construct a three-tier security culture, encompassing artefacts, values and shared assumptions.

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Successfully build a defence programme against insider threats

This book – the most in-depth guide on the market – is the ideal resource for anyone looking to learn how a security culture based on international best practice can help mitigate the insider threat to your security.

Every type of organisation is vulnerable to insider abuse, errors or malicious attacks. These can impact reputation, operations and profitability, and expose data, harm the organisation, or deliver valuable intellectual property into competitors’ hands.

Insiders can be current or former employees, contractors, or other business partners who have been granted authorised access to networks, systems or data, and all of them can bypass security measures through legitimate means.

Insider Threat – A Guide to Understanding, Detecting, and Defending Against the Enemy from Within looks beyond perimeter protection tools and details how to build a defence programme using security controls from the international standards ISO 27001 and ISO 27002, and NIST SP 800-53.

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International best practice to implement a high-impact plan

Using international best practice, this in-depth guide will help you address:

  • Risk mitigation and the eight steps of a risk assessment
  • Staff training and awareness, and conducting background screening
  • Monitoring and auditing the activities of general and privileged users, and quickly responding to suspicious behaviours
  • Metrics to measure insider threat behaviour and mitigation
  • The challenge of external or temporary insiders (such as consultants, support contractors, partners, service providers, temporary employees)
  • Layering physical and digital defences to provide defence in depth
  • The importance of conducting regular penetration testing to evaluate security controls
  • Limiting, monitoring and controlling remote access and mobile device use
  • Ensuring supply-chain security
  • Maintaining an incident management capability
About the author

Julie Mehan

Dr Julie Mehan is the founder and president of JEMStone Strategies and a principal cyber security analyst in a strategic consulting firm in Virginia. She has delivered cyber security and related privacy services to senior commercial, Department of Defense and federal government clients working in Italy, Australia, Canada, Belgium and the United States. Dr Mehan is also an associate professor at the University of Maryland University College, specialising in courses in cyber security , cyber terror, IT in organisations, and ethics in an Internet society.

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