Security expert tells EU ministers to step up and lead cyber security frontier


The Romanian Minister for Information Society Sorin Grindeanu told a Regional Cybersecurity Summit in Bucharest last week that cyber security was a priority for the Romanian government, remarking that “Citizens’ trust in online services can be consolidated by ensuring a high degree of cybersecurity, and also by improved transparency and efficiency.”

Romania is one of the least cyber secure countries in the EU. More than 78 million cyber alerts were registered in Romania last year according to the minister’s 2014 CERT-RO report presentation, and approximately 11,000 .ro domains were reported as compromised throughout 2014 – a 5% increase over 2013.

Alan Calder, founder and chief executive of global cyber security solutions provider IT Governance, commented: “I applaud the Romanian minister. More government ministers and business leaders across Europe need to be vocal about the importance of cyber security, step up and lead the cyber security frontier.

“The cyber threat landscape is increasing in complexity and severity on a daily basis, and high-profile data breaches are costing European companies millions of euros in damages and penalties. The threat of a large-scale data security incident – and its associated costs – is something all organisations will want to avoid. If not correctly addressed, the cyber threat can severely affect Europe’s economy.”

The international standard for information security management, ISO 27001, sets out the requirements of an ISMS (information security management system) – a best-practice approach to information security that addresses people, processes and technologies.

ISO 27001’s risk-based approach enables organisations to implement cyber security best practices based on the risks they actually face, and by certifying their ISMS to ISO 27001, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to cyber security to their stakeholders, as well as meeting their obligations under various data protection laws.

IT Governance’s fixed-price ISO 27001 Packaged Solutions allow EU organisations to implement an ISO 27001-compliant ISMS for as little as €530.

Using a combination of implementation resources, online consultancy support, and expert guidance materials, EU organisations can implement best-practice information security practices, secure the information they hold, comply with laws such as the GDPR, and reassure stakeholders and customers that they are taking information security seriously.

Alternatively, organisations can call IT Governance on 00 800 48 484 484 or email for more information on how IT Governance can help protect their information security.

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