IT Governance


What is IT governance?

IT governance evolved from corporate governance in the 1990's. It links a company’s objectives, business goals and IT management.

IT governance is the term to describe the governing and managing of information technology within an organisation. It is a framework that ensures your organisation's IT infrastructure supports and enables the achievement of corporate strategies and objectives and differs from IT management in that IT governance is a framework that ensures management is successful and risks are identified and appropriately controlled.

IT Governance has three main primary objectives, which can be achieved by implementing a structure responsible for information, business processes, applications and infrastructure. The use of information technology needs to:

  • generate business value;
  • supervise management performance; and
  • alleviate the risk connected to information technology.

IT governance is the leverage of corporate resources that support good corporate governance.

The full definition can be found in IT Governance: a Pocket Guide by Alan Calder.


The benefits of implementing an IT governance framework

IT governance is a critical component of corporate governance, which is needed to ensure that IT investments generate returns and to mitigate the risks that can occur from IT use. By implementing a solid IT governance framework to oversee IT operations, an organisation can achieve a strong competitive advantage. Whatever the maturity of your existing IT governance, we can help you take the next steps in strengthening it.

The implementation of IT governance can help by:

  • aligning IT with company business goals;
  • managing IT return on investment (ROI);
  • reducing IT risk;
  • planning strategic IT;
  • measuring performance;
  • embedding IT into the organisation’s culture; and
  • embedding IT into the organisation’s culture; and
  • optimising IT operations.


Calder-Moir IT Governance Framework

IT governance is a critical component of corporate governance; the Calder-Moir IT Governance Framework is a model for coordinating frameworks and organising standards, and provides a structured approach to IT governance. The framework offers guidance on how to approach this complex subject and is a useful tool for benchmarking the balance and effectiveness of IT governance practices within an organisation. The IT Governance Toolkit provides practical assistance and guidance for practitioners and board members who are tackling the subject.


IT governance for executives

IT governance is a key subject for company directors and executives. The leading books on the subject are:

Get all of these titles, plus more in the IT Governance Library.


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Speak to an expert

If you need assistance assessing your infrastructure, or require support integrating the standards and key components of the IT governance framework, get in touch with our experts today. We can help you determine the best steps forward and advise on which of our services would be best suited to your organisation. 

Risk Assessment
- 22 Oct