Regulatory Compliance

The information and IT sectors face a growing range of regulatory requirements in the EU. Data protection and privacy as well as computer misuse and anti-cyber crime provisions all increase EU organisations’ regulatory compliance challenges. Basel 2 and Basel 3 bring their own requirements for financial organisations.

  • GDPR

    The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) will affect every organisation in the world that processes EU residents’ personally identifiable information (PII) when it comes into full effect on 25 May 2018.

    Non-compliance with the GDPR could result in administrative fines of up to €20 million or, “in the case of an undertaking, up to 4% of the total worldwide annual turnover of the preceding financial year, whichever is higher.”


    Ongoing, cost-effective compliance with the PCI DSS is now a critical issue for all e-commerce merchants. IT Governance is, of course, compliant with PCI DSS v3.2 and offers a comprehensive range of books and tools to help organisations achieve and then maintain compliance.

  • Green IT

    'Green IT' is a catch-all phrase for sustainable, eco-friendly products, services, practices and management systems used in the information and communications technology sector.

    Greater environmental awareness, along with pressure from consumers and legislators, and rising fuel costs, is pushing the IT community towards green IT.

    It is becoming progressively more important for all businesses to act (and to be seen to act) in an environmentally responsible manner, both to fulfil their legal and moral obligations, and also to enhance their brand and improve their corporate image. IT has a large part to play in this. Increasingly, compliance requirements – ranging from the Electronic Waste Directive through to actions on Carbon Reduction Commitments – will drive organisations to adopt green computing.


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Risk Assessment
- 22 Oct